The goal of the Foundation is to increase the permanent endowment to $1 million. Already earnings have enabled the Foundation to fund college scholarships and to make grants to local charities serving Lakewood’s greatest needs. The following grants have been made that directly serve Lakewood charities, children and families.

The Larry Saunders Service Award Winner for 2019 is....

Sally Saunders and the City Council present the award to Alan Billingsley



....Alan Billingsley! Alan is a member of Clover Park Rotary, but more importantly a long-time member of the community of Lakewood and tireless volunteer. If something is going on, Alan is probably a part of it. The grant given in his honor will go to the latest project of Clover Park Rotary, the rehabilitation of the Game Farm site. If you have a chance, stop by and check out the progress there!

In the picture: Sally Saunders presents the award to Alan, along with the members of Lakewood's City Council.



Grant Applications for 2020 Now Being Accepted

Grant applications for qualifying 501(C)(3) organizations providing service to Lakewood, WA are now open. Note that all grant recipients must provide the services covered in the grant within the City of Lakewood. Note the grant application form on the right side of home page.

2019 Third Quarter Financials


Beginning Assets, End of 3rd Quarter:

$ 1,003,500.23

3rd Quarter Contributions: $ 1000.00
Interest: $ 3,306.54
Realized Gains: $ 3,227.72
Unrealized Gains: $4,227.46

$ -387.60

GTCF Fees: $-2,277.85
Grants $ 0.
Ending Assets, thru 2nd Quarter 2019 $1,012,596.50


Applications now being accepted for the Larry Saunders Service Award



Larry Saunders served our country and our city with distinction, retiring from the Army to organize Lakewood's Police Department, and serve as our first chief. Returning from Iraq, where he re-joined the Army to establish a police college in Baghdad, Larry embraced Lakewood with tireless community service: our Boys & Girls Club, Rotary Clubs, neighborhood associations, and the Lakewood Community Foundation Fund (LCFF). Larry was a ray of light. We were stunned when he died one morning in January, 2016.


To honor Larry, the City of Lakewood in partnership with the LCFF created an award to recognize exemplary service to Lakewood. The LARRY SAUNDERS SERVICE AWARD, is given annually to a person or organization who merits special recognition and community appreciation. This 2019 announcement occasions the award's third year.





The Award provides a separate grant, selected by the recipient,

to a Lakewood organization. Both will be presented at

the first regular City Council meeting of 2020.



City of Lakewood in partnership with the Lakewood Community Foundation Fund

ANNOUNCES NOMINATIONS OPEN Aug 1 ~ Sep 27 for the 2019




FORMS AVAILABLE ~ Please visit Reception at City Hall

6000 Main Street, SW, Lakewood, WA

Hours: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM

or look for LARRY AWARD at







We Made It A Million!

We Did It!


Thanks to over 75 generous donors, the Lakewood Community Foundation Fund (LCFF) Make It a Million fundraising campaign was a big success.  As of April 16, 2019, LCFF has a grand total of $1,005,310.99!  In other words, we did it!


Among the larger group of donors were 17 donors who contributed $1,000 or more.  These gifts were key to reaching LCFF’s million dollar goal because they were matched one-for-one by incredibly generous anonymous donors.


The million dollar mark is a major milestone for LCFF and Lakewood.  It represents a wonderful investment in making Lakewood a great community. 


Each year LCFF accepts grant applications from worthy Lakewood causes and distributes the interest earned on our accounts to community organizations such as the following:


Caring for Kids

Nourish (formerly FISH)

Emergency Food Network

Communities in Schools

Lakewood Baseball Club

Lakewood Parks, Recreation and Community Services

Greater Lakes Mental Health


Lakewood Community Players


Operation Homefront

Partners for Parks

And many more!


In 2018, for example, LCFF granted $43,000 to 14 worthy Lakewood causes and charitable organizations.  The average grant was $3,071. 


LCFF wants to thank all those who supported the Make It a Million campaign and who have supported the Lakewood Community Foundation Fund over the years.  We could not have reached this goal without the generous support of so many.  Together, we are helping to make Lakewood a stronger and better community.


Now: on to $2 million!